How to make a dadaist poem
An animation to the text of Tristan Tzara’s instructions on how to make a dadaist poem
Due to licencing restrictions we can’t display the video on our site, please view it here on Te Papa's youtube channel
We had the pleasure of working with Te Papa’s exhibition team to create three installed video pieces as part of their Iconic Surrealist art exhibition. The exhibition showcased 180 surrealist masterpieces from Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen including artists like Salvaldor Dali and Marcel Duchamp.
One of the pieces we created was an animation following Tristan Tzara’s Instructions for creating a dadaist poem. We used archival articles and a stop motion low framerate style of animation to tie into the period the dadaists were working in.
We also created a three screen large scale projection that filled an entire room as an immersive deep dive into Dali’s Impressions of Africa.
Due to copyright restrictions our works for this exhibition are difficult to display online. If you are interested in the other works we created please reach out to us.